When I'm developing a website I always like to take a look at a range of sites within the market sector, but as I’m building a company Intranet I can’t very easily do that.
The (very useful) information I have found online covers how to conduct usability studies, best practices with CSS, HTML and developing according to web standards (http://www.webstandards.org/)
But, I could not find much information on:
* people’s experiences of using the usability techniques I found described,
* people’s experiences of developing with web standards for internal web applications and Intranets or
* approaches to visual design for Intranets.
Following some conversations I had at the recent @media conference on web standards and accessibility (http://www.atmedia2005.co.uk) I thought it might be useful to add to the available material by publishing a blog of the Intranet Re-development Project I am working on.
Here’s a disclaimer: This is just a chart of the project activity.
I just want to share these experiences and results (where possible). I think it would be great to hear of the different ways other people may have approached similar things.
Here’s another disclaimer: I obviously can’t publish internal company information. I'll be describing the process from the point of view of project plan definition, techniques chosen, results expected and obtained from usability studies, things we learned along the way, that sort of stuff.