Tuesday, January 23, 2007

LMS SCORM Learning management system

LMS-Portal, an E-learning platform is a tool that has the power of Communication, Organization, Management and Training.

The Right Fit
A common Learning management system for all user groups is like going to office in a truck and shipping goods in personal cars or buying trousers of same size for all members of the family. Though possible it is quite impractical and not at all presentable.

LMS-Portal offers you E-learning platform in your right sizes and to suit your individual needs.

LMS-Portal has separate modules for Universities, Corporate, Tuition classes, Training Institutes, Schools and colleges. Each module addresses the specific LMS needs of the segment.

The system is designed so as to meet your initial core requirement and can subsequently grow to meet your future needs in learning management system.

Even Tailor-Made
Team LMS-Portal understands the challenges of implementation of a right learning management system and we partner with our clients to implement and even customize the solution to best suit their organization. LMS-Portal provides easy-to-use, integrated access to all services needed to successfully implement e-learning platforms.

Beyond Language Barriers
LMS-Portal goes beyond language barriers. The E-learning platform supports multilingual content thus reaching out the benefits of e-learning to all.

The Conceptualization
LMS-Portal was conceptualized from an omnipresent need to train and upgrade individuals skill set by overcoming problems such as travel cost, work schedules and opportunity cost of an individual's time.

The Goal
LMS-Portal aims to make e-training faster, better and less expensive at the same time making learning simple by using the most cost effective technologies.

LMS-Portal will offer the right fit, even tailor-made, practical and money saving E-learning platforms for Universities, Corporates, Tuition classes, Training Institutes, Schools & Colleges.

Advantage LMS-Portal
- Quick start - Right Fit
- Focused
- Easy to Use
- Expandable
- Customizable
- Upgradeable
- Multilingual
- Segment specific modules

E-learning is Learn Anything, Anywhere, Anytime. It is an Internet driven learning. It aims at providing access to learning and upgrading ones education and skills at any point of his career. Freedom of location and time for teacher and student (trainer and trainee) are the key benefits of E-learning. The need to reduce cost for upgrading individual's skills is the driving force that is popularizing E-learning.

Learning Management System (LMS) is a technology driven platform that enables educational institutions and business organizations to move teaching, training and learning initiatives and programs on the Internet for E-learning to take place. It provides Internet/intranet based infrastructure for teachers, instructors, trainers and program directors to manage and track a student, employee, trainee's participation and performance in E-learning.
